God Bless America, the land that I love.... 



Groundhogs Day 2008
Linz & Luke, Jeremie and Lisa Toma,Tim Johnson and Brendon
Competed in a 3 hour, 300 lap race @ Chicago Indoor Racing.
Roughly 100 laps each in nine legs / driver changes every 20 minutes. Very, very exhausting !


First of all, a heart felt thanks to Mike Rutherford for saving the day !
When my transfer case failed, in my last GMC ever !   
 Mike stepped up to loan us the "Big Dog" pictured below.
Without his kindness and awesome vehicle, our trip timeline was in real trouble !
I owe ya buddy !
My favorite of all the Yuma trip pics..... look Ma.... Burke's "no handed" !
( on a Yamaha tractor)
kick ass dude !!!!

What mountain range ???  I don't see a mountain range !
roost'em Burke !!!

9 Quads... 5 guys.... the math is just wrong !!!

Left to right.... Luke , Nute, David and Jared.

Burke likes to throw sand !!!

Top pic.....5 dude's..... 9 quads ???
middle pic....Linz by "Big Dog" and Dad's new trailer
Bottom pic.... Linz coaches her friend in gear shifting !
Linz like's Dad's Banshee.. more power !

Me & Q and an F-4 too !!!
2002  Aurora Airport Hanger Dance


           Our sweet ladies..... we are so proud of them !
2001 ~2002
High school year

            April graduated from NIU                 Linz from Aurora U.


My Suzy-Q

Suzy-Q's  pals

Dear departed Cujo and Licorice .


    Cujo  is  Gone now    ;-(

he had to be put down
terminal liver cancer.
we miss him a lot...

Duke is here now....

oh man...what a different animal !



Sasha...fat cat !


April and her baby boy.... Scout... I call him Scooter !

Man am I lucky...

The greatest wife...

Awesome kids...

Great siblings...

and really great neice's & nephew's !

I love you all...

Uncle Sasquatch